

  1. The impact of income on public health and education expenditure: Evidence from Indian states. (Journal of Public Affairs, ABDC Rank- B)
  2. An empirical analysis to understand the utilization of material health care services in Madhya Pradesh State of India
  3. An empirical analysis of effect of public debt on economic growth in India in the post-reform era. Asian Economic and Financial Review. 2016 Nov 1;6(11):692.
  4. Bank credit and economic growth: An empirical evidence from Indian states. International Journal of Current Research. 2016;8(09):39145-51.
  5. Cointegration between government expenditure and revenue: Evidence from India. Advances in Economics and Business. 2017;5(1):33-40.
  6. Revisiting the causal nexus between savings and economic growth in India: An empirical analysis. Economia, 18(3), 380-391.
  7. Revisiting the Financial Year in India. Archives of Business Research. 2016 Nov 30;4(6).
  8. The Long-run Causal Nexus between Expenditure in Social Services Sector and Economic Services Sector: A comparative analysis between national and sub-national Government. International Research Journal of Marketing and Economics. 2016 Dec Vol 3(12).
  9. Fiscal Landscape of Odisha: An analysis of Deficits and Expenditures. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences. 2016. Vol 6 (12).
  10. Causal Nexus between growth and savings in India: Using nonlinear causality approach. International Journal of Research & Methodology in Social Science. 2016;15.
  11. Impact of Public Debt on Economic Growth: Evidence from Indian States. Vilakshan: The XIMB Journal of Management. 2016 Sep 1;13(2).
  12. Fiscal Performance Index of the States in India. Praj̄nȧn: Journal of Social and Management Sciences. 2016 Oct 1;45(3).
  13. Determinants of non-performing loans in India: a system GMM panel approach. Praj̄nȧn: Journal of Social and Management Sciences.Vol. 47.2018, 1, p. 37-56.
  14. Causal Nexus between Billing Efficiency and Economic Growth in India: An Analysis Using Vector Autoregression.” International Journal of Economics and Finance 9, no. 3 (2017): 184-193.
  15. Impact of Non–Tax Revenue on Revenue Expenditure in Sub National Public Finance in Economic Sector. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance 7, no. 5 (2016): 47-62.
  16. An Empirical Analysis of Aggregate Import Demand Function for India. Global Economy Journal. 2017 Oct 12;17(4).
  17. Is fiscal policy pro-cyclical or counter-cyclical? Evidence from India. Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economics & Research. 2017 Apr 1;6(2):7-19.
  18. Does the Union Budget 2016-17 reflect the True Spirit of Fiscal Federalism in India?The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention. 2016;Vol 3 (9).
  19. Efficiency in Value Added Tax in Sub-National Governments in India: An Empirical Analysis. VISION: Journal of Indian Taxation. 2017;4(2):1-9.
  20. Revisiting the causal nexus between savings and economic growth in India: An empirical analysis.” Economia 18, no. 3 (2017): 380-391.
  21. The Nexus between Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Growth: Evidence from Sub-National Governments in India, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science, 2017, Vol. 2 (1).
  22. Does Inflation Harm Saving? Evidence from India”, Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research, 2018, Vol.12 (4), 431-457.
  23. ‘Surge’ Pricing for Railway Tickets as Tax by Stealth, Economic & Political Weekly, 2018, Vol. 53(5), pp 25-27.
  24. Has the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle Waned? Evidence from Time Series and Dynamic Panel Data Models. 2019 (Economic Modelling, ABDC Rank -A, SCOPUS Indexed, SJR- 1.03).
  25. New Evidence on the relationship between public and private investment in India. (Economics Bulletin, ABDC Rank -C, H index-25, SJR- 0.19).
  26. Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: Role of Inflation targeting (The Australian Economic Review, 2019, ABDC-B, SCOPUS Indexed SJR- 0.23).
  27. Central Transfer a Curse or Blessing? Evidence from the Relative Revenue Effort of Indian States (The Australian Economic Review, 2019, ABDC-B, SCOPUS Indexed SJR- 0.23).
  28. Post Crisis Merchandise Export growth in India: What has changed. (The Indian Economic Journal, ABDC Rank- B).
  29. Has FRBM rule influenced fiscal deficit-growth nexus differently in India? (Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 2019, SCOPUS Indexed, SJR- 0.117).
  30. Exports Dynamics of India: A Cointegration Analysis. Springer, Singapore, 2020.
  31. Threshold level of fiscal deficit: revisiting FRBMA limit in Indian states (Journal of Social and Economic Development, 2020).
  32. Employment and Income Growth Dynamics in Odisha (Journal of Public Affairs, Wiley- Blackwell Publishers).
  33. Gender Wage Discrimination in Urban Indian Labour Market: An Assessment (The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Springer).
  34. Concerns around the NDHM. Letters (The Economic and Political Weekly, 2020).
  35. COVID-19 and Challenges of virtual mode of education in India. Azim Premji University Practice Connect, 2020.
  36. Does petroleum tax revenue drive sales tax effort of Indian states? A stochastic frontier approach (The International Journal of Finance and Economics ABDC Rank- B, SCOPUS Indexed).
  37. Examining Calorie Undernourishment in India: Is it due to Choice or Inadequacy? (Health and Nutrition, Sage. 2020).
  38. Impact of COVID-19 on the Tourism Sector (The Economic and Political Weekly, 2020).
  39. Poverty and inequality in Odisha, India (Journal of Public Affairs, e2220, ABDC Rank- B).
  40. Structural Change and Increasing Precarity of Employment in India (Forthcoming in the eds. Development Challenges of India After Twenty-Five Years of Economic Reforms: Inequality Labour Employment and Migration, ISBN: 978-981-15-8264-6, Springer).
  41. The long‐run effect of public debt on economic growth: Evidence from India (Journal of Public Affairs.:e2281, ABDC Rank- B).
  42. The Future of Work in Retail and Construction in India, SEWA, International Labour Organization (ILO), 2019.
  43. A Poverty Decomposition Analysis for the Northeastern Region of India. (forthcoming (2020)- Review of Development and Change: SAGE).
  44. Evidence-Based Suggestions to Improve UGC JRF-NET Examination. Available at SSRN 3563576. 2020 Mar 29.
  45. What do Debt Burden Index of Eighteen Major States of India Reveal? 2005-06 to 2018-19 (forthcoming (2020)- The Indian Economic Journal: SAGE, ABDC Rank-B).
  46. What do Debt Burden Index of Eighteen Major States of India Reveal? 2005-06 to 2018-19. (The Indian Economic Journal, ABDC Rank- B)
  47. Inflation targeting has been a success ( The Hindu Business Line)
  48. Unlocking the new Odisha (Political Business Daily)
  49. Labour Force and Employment growth in Recent times in India: Evidence from EUS (2011-12) & PLFS (I-II) Survey, Economic and Political Weekly (accepted and forthcoming).
  50. Introspecting Human Development, Economic and Political Weekly.
  51. On Ageing in India, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 56:19
  52. Evolving Inequalities, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 56:06
  53. Living Condition of Urban Slum Dwellers in India in the New Millennium: An Assessment, Urban Research and Practice, pp-1-23, 17535069
  54. Budgeting of Sustainable Development Goals in Odisha, Azim Premji University-University Practice Connect portal, April 22, 2021.