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International Programs Archives

XIM University

International Relation Activities: April 2020-December 2022

Professional Development Program:

The current pandemic has forced both individuals and organizations to face new VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) conditions. This has created a ripple effect that now requires young professionals to closely evaluate their career paths, consider alternative options if necessary, and emerge as better leaders. To prepare for such challenges, XIM  University  in collaboration with American Corner Hyderabad, and United States-India Educational Foundation (the Fulbright Commission in India) organized professional development program “Leading Through Crises: Navigating Uncertainty and Reinventing Careers in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) World.”   

on 15th December 2020.

Dr. Monika Setia, Regional Officer, USIEF Hyderabad set the context for professional development program.  Mr. Dave Moyer, Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad motivated students to build career through resilience, continuous learning and upskilling themselves to surpass through the VUCA situation.  The speaker of the program was Prof. Arup Varma, Distinguished University Research Professor of Management at the Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago who is also Fulbright-Nehru scholar at IIM Lucknow in 2018. Prof. Varma emphasized that leadership is about people and feelings, especially when the world is going through pandemic. He gave insights on how individuals need to learn about shaping themselves and the organization as future leaders. The session ended with a story   by Fr. E. A Augustine S. J, Registrar, Xavier University, which inspired students about the values that “Honesty is important” and “Life is a journey”.

IRC Webinar:

International relations Committee team organized a   webinar on 22nd January 2021 by Prof.   José Maria, MBA program director, Head of international relations, Institute Magellan, Paris. The topic of the webinar was ‘New challenges for managers in the new normal’.

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL):

XIM University in collaboration with San Diego State University (SDSU), California conducted first session of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), A pilot project on 16th February 2021. The session had students from the School of Public Health, SDSU and the School of Sustainability, XUB.  COIL is a ‘virtual mobility’ experiences that are embedded into the formal curriculum and provide students with an opportunity to interact with peers at international universities.

This session was a steppingstone to help the students know their team members better. Prof. Zohir Chowdhury from SDSU and Prof. Elizabeth Abba from XIM University enlightened the students on how such kind of collaborative learning would be helpful. The Projects given to the students were aligned to their  study paths thus helping students both from San Diego State University (SDSU) and XIM University to know about the different Public health approaches and Corporate Social Responsibility activities in India and the U.S.A.

I-Week on Sustainability:

International Week on Sustainability” (“I-Week”) at University of Antwerp is set up to offer insights on the theme of sustainability in an international context. Our international partner, University of Antwerp accepted participation of 5 MBA SM and 3 B. Sc. SD students in ‘I-Week on Sustainability’ from 8 – 12th March 2021 organized by Faculty of Business and Economics at University of Antwerp. 

I-week is a great opportunity for students at XIM University to acquire a global perspective and intercultural skills in a course specific context. Students successfully cleared the exam and received certificate of completion in May, 2021.Sayantan Mitra, B.Sc SD student also won the first prize for the best poster and pitch.

IRC panel discussion- 11th June 2021:

The International Relations Committee successfully conducted a panel discussion on 11th June ’21, collaborating with Campus France on Innovation in Marketing Trends. The panellists were Professor Subhasis Ray, professor of marketing and sustainability at XIM, XIM University and Professor Michael Haenlin, professor of marketing at ESCP France. Professor Michael Haenlin is a prominent scholar with worldwide recognition in marketing. The session was hosted by Mr Sourav Bhowmik, Campus France Manager Kolkata and co-hosted by the Student Coordinators of the International Relations Committee of XIM University. The session oversaw an audience of 120+ Participants.

IRC Webinar:  Tuesday 20th of July 2021 from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm IST:

The International Relations Committee successfully conducted a webinar on 20th July 2021 on Impact Investing – Venture philanthropy & Impact Capital. The chief speaker was Prof. Tommaso Saltini, an Impact Investing & Investment Promotion Expert in Emerging Markets professor at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy. The session oversaw an audience of 300+ Participants. The critical discussions revolved around the challenges in investing, financing SDGs, and impact investing strategies. Faculties from different domains were also present, and at the end of the talk, the enthusiastic students got a chance to interact with the speaker and discuss the points from the talk.

Participation in 'I-Week on Sustainability' by International Partner University of Antwerp- February to April 2022:

International Week on Sustainability” (“I-Week”) at the University of Antwerp is set up to offer insights on the theme of sustainability in an international context. XIM University’s international partner, the University of Antwerp, accepted 5 B. Sc. SD students, 3 BBM students, and 2 B.Sc. Economics in ‘I-Week on Sustainability’ from 7 – 12th March 2021 organized by Faculty of Business and Economics at University of Antwerp. I-week is an excellent opportunity for students of XIM University to acquire a global perspective and intercultural skills in a course-specific context. Prof. Abhimanyu Sahoo, School of Commerce and Prof. Elizabeth Abba, School of Sustainbility , jointly delivered a CSR workshop in the ‘I-week 2022’ on March 8th, 2022.  Mr Narayan P S, Global Head – Sustainability and Social Initiatives Wipro Limited and SAAB member of School of Sustainability, delivered a plenary session in I-week on 11th March,2022.

SDG workshop by Australian Catholic University-March 2nd,2022 9.30-12.30 IST:

Dr. Sutapa Pati, Dean, School of Sustainability as a keynote speaker and Prof. Elizabeth Abba as a panellist in Industry-university partnerships for SDG focused internships in Australia and India held on 2nd March 2022. Australian Catholic University collaborating with Deakin University and Australia-India Council, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to foster industry-university partnerships through workshops in Australia and India and develop a digital hub for knowledge sharing to create high-quality Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focused student internships. It will advance graduate employment outcomes post-COVID19 and catalyze partnerships for achieving Agenda 2030. Such workshop aims to “promote exchange and collaboration between Australian and Indian organizations in fields of relevance to the bilateral economic partnership”.

International Business Week, Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business: March 31, 2022, 7:00 pm EST or April 1 @ 5:30 am (India Time): 

Dr. Sutapa Pati, Dean, School of Sustainability, participated as a panellist in the International Business Week, Fordham University. Dr Pati will shared her thoughts on “International Business for a Better World.”

Visit of Delegates to XIM University

Visit of Regional English Language Officer to XIM University on Thursday June 30, 2022

Ms. Ruth Goode, head of Regional English Language Office, at U.S. Embassy New Delhi and Thirupathi, Senthil K, Public Diplomacy Section, U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad visited XIM University to explore possible collaboration between the U.S. government and XIM University on English language programs. Fr. Antony R Uvari, S.J, Vice Chancellor, XIM University, assured full support to Regional English Language Officer to promote international engagements.

Visit of Delegation from the French Embassy to XIM University, New Campus on 13th October,2022

The Academic and Scientific Cooperation sector of the French Institute in India, the French Embassy’s cooperation service in education, science and culture is keen to promoting academic and scientific exchanges between French and Indian institutions of higher education and research. With this background, delegates from the French embassy visited Xavier- emLyon Business School a fruit of Franco-Indian cooperation, at XIM University.

Visit of Mr Didier Talpain, Consul General of France in Kolkata to XIM University: 29th November,2022

On November 29th, XIM University hosted the French Consulate General in Kolkata, Mr Didier Talpain. The visit’s agenda was to understand the International Relations activities ongoing in the University, strengthen Indo-French Relations and discuss the progress of the newly launched master’s program at Xavier-Emlyon Business School

Interaction of Mr. Didier Talpain, Consul General of France in Kolkata with Fr. Anthony R Uvari S.J.,

Prof. Arun Kumar Paul, Acting Dean, XEBS , Prof. Elizabeth Abba, Associate Dean, International Relations and  IRC Team

Visit of delegates from the U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad to XIM University on 31st January,2023,

Mr. Jonathan Orr Public Diplomacy Officer, U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad,Thirupathi Senthil, Public Diplomacy Section, U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad and Tranquil Samuel, Alumni Outreach Coordinator, Public Diplomacy Section, U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad visited XIM University and had international dialogues with Father S. Antony Raj S.J, Registrar, XIM University and announced the  English Language Fellow program at XIM University in the academic year 2023-24

International Faculty
International Faculty to teach courses at XIM University

An International Faculty Prof. Jose-Maria Aulotte, Professor, Magellan Institute, Paris, France was invited to teach the course “International Human Resource Management” at School of HRM, XIM University from 9th July 2019 till 18th July 2019.

Dr. Sanjeev ROY, Erasmus Mundus Scholar & UNESCO Fellow visited university on 5th and 6th September 2019. He addressed the undergraduate students of the university at mini auditorium of the New Campus on 6th September 2019 from 2.15 p.m. to 3.45 p.m. The topic was “Making One’s Education Relevant with a Foreign Degree”. Fr. Donald D’Silva S.J., Dean School of Communication & Director, Finance XIM University, Fr. Alwyn Rodrigues, S.J. Professor, School of Communication and Dr. Elizabeth Abba, Assistant Dean, International Relations Committee of XIM University were present on the occasion.

IRC activities conducted in the year 2019-20

International Agreement between Universities

1. A Letter of Intent is signed between Texas Tech University and XIM University on Nov 11,2019. The letter of Intent will facilitate future agreements that may formally establish an international exchange of faculty and students, research data, and educational and development programs.

2. A Memorandum of Agreement is signed between International Association of Jesuits Universities (IAJU) and XIM University on January 16,2020. The purpose of the agreement is to co-operate toward the internationalization of higher education through semester-long student exchange for visiting students at receiving institutions.

International Ranking:

XIM University, XIMB, was honored with Four Palmes Global Award by Eduniversal Convention in the 12th edition of the Eduniversal World Convention at Sasin School of Management from October 26 – 29, 2019 Bangkok, Thailand for outstanding academic excellence in management education and research. XIM University is proud to maintain the 4 Palm award for the second consecutive year. Prof. Fr. Donald DSilva, SJ, Director Finance and Dean of Communication, Prof. Andrew Dutta, Dean of Human Resource Management, Prof Bikram Bahini Pati, Associate Dean – Admissions, XIM University, and Prof Elizabeth Abba, Assistant Dean, International Relations, XIM University attended the Eduniversal Convention-2019 at Sasin School of Management Bangkok, Thailand.

International Student Exchange from XIM Universiy

International relations committee of XIM University promotes and facilitates student exchange program, summer school program etc. to promote mutual benefits of the students by increasing their understanding of other countries cultures, communities, and languages. 5 post graduate students and one under graduate student went to different Business Schools/ University in Europe and USA. They are

PG Students
Sl. No Student Name Roll Number School Program Attended at Country Dates
Vishes Kumar Jena
MBA-Rural Management
S.G.H Warsaw School of Economics
MBA-Rural Management
S.G.H Warsaw School of Economics
Shweta Srivastava
MBA-Rural Management
S.G.H Warsaw School of Economics
Rohit Tirkey
MBA-Urban Management and Governance
S.G.H Warsaw School of Economics
Sonali Gupta
MBA-Sustainability Management
Kedge Business School
UG student
Sl. No Student Name Roll Number School Program Attended at Country Dates
Ayushi Dwivedi
B.Sc Sustainable Devlopment
SanDiego State University,School of Public Health
Student Exchange Program 2022-23
Sl. No PG/UG Student Name Program Host University Term/Sem Status
Tanay Ranjan
Loyola University, New Orleans, the USA Magis Exchange Program
IV Semester, January-May,2022
Akanksha Srivastava
SGH Warsaw, Poland
V Semester, September-December,2022
Purva Gupta
University of Antwerp, Belgium
V Semester, September-December,2022
Debleen Dash
IQS School of Management
IV Semester, January to June,2023
Goutam Biswaranjan
IQS School of Management
IV Semester, January-June,2022
Gyaneswari Sahu
University of Antwerp, Belgium
IV Semester, February -July 1st Week,2023
Satwik Bhargav Rath
B. Sc Economics
University of Antwerp
IV Semester, February -July 1st Week,2023
Kumar Bodhisatva Gaur
B.Sc. Environmental (Hons)
Örebro University, Sweden
IV Semester, January-June,2022
Prerna Pattanaik
Ateneo de Manila University Magis Exchange Program
V Semester, July-December 2023
Aditya Abhaya Panigrahi
Loyola University, New Orleans, the USA Magis Exchange Program
V Semester, July-December 2023
UG Online Mobility

6 undergraduate students of XIM University completed Global Environment Citizenship course under Magis Exchange in a Global Classroom


18 Undergraduate students from the School of Sustainability, School of Commerce and School of Economics are nominated to participate in the International Week on Sustainability from 20-24th March,2023

International Student Visit from San Diego on Study abroad programme

17 international students and Prof. Zohir Chowdhury from San Diego State University came on a study abroad program jointly offered by School of Sustainability, XIM University, and San Diego State University wherein undergraduate students have been visited XIM University from 4th January,2020 to 15th January,2020. These students were from diverse background such Public health, Sustainability, Communications, Statistics, Computer Engg, Psychology, Health science, Drama, Food & nutrition and Biology.

XIM University-SIGNIS Program

There are 9 students from different Universities of world at XIM University for a 3 months program, International Certificate Programme in Compassion and Social Communication. The program is conducted by Center for New Humanities and Compassion Studies, XIM University and led by Dr. M. Nadarajah (Nat),Chair Professor. The course started on Jan25,2020 and will continue till May 5, 2020.

Visitors visited XIM University (2019-20)

The summary of the talk was:

  • Benefits of studying in Europe
  • Scholarship facilities for the students
  • 3.Joint master’s degrees of Erasmus Mundus
  • Possibility to choose from a list of
    over 100 Masters courses
  • Full-study scholarships for students
    from all over the world
  • When and how to apply for the courses.

Mr. Kaushik Saraiya, Vice President- Outgoing Global Volunteer and Business Expansions, AIESEC in Bhubaneswar. He visited XIM  University on 6th September 2019. He addressed the UG students of the university on the topic of international Internship.

Dr. T S Ragu-Nathan, Professor Emeritus, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA and Consultant Global Academic Alliances along with Mr. Victor Arthur Finch, Director, Enrolment Management, office of the international management, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA visited XIMB and XIM University,  on 11th September 2019. They interacted with B. Com third year students and shared about opportunities in University of Toledo, Ohio, USA.

Dr. Sukanta Misra ,Vice Provost for International Affairs and Professor of Agricultural & Applied Economics Texas Tech University visited XIMB on Oct 21, 2019.He interacted with Faculty & IRC students and discussed on International opportunities between the two universities.

Mr. Sourav Bhowmik, Manager – Campus France Kolkata, along with Mr. Amitava Das, University Cooperation officer visited XIM University on 16th January 2020 and conducted a seminar on higher education opportunities in France. UG, PG and doctoral students participated in the seminar. The objective of the seminar was to help students to gain an understanding of the French Education system in general, and the admission and selection process and the benefits provided to them by the French state.
