XIM University

XIM University


MDP Details 2024-2025

Management Development Programs Details 2024-2025

Personal Effectiveness & Image Building by Kalpana Sahoo

Personal Effectiveness & Image Building 
Prof. Kalpana Sahoo
Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 26/06/2024  Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

Understanding self

  • Able to create powerful visibility
  • First impression
  • Connecting to self to organization
  • Behavioural Adjustment
  • Understanding the power of emotional health
Program Learning Outcomes:

The training program is to assist the participants in gaining a better understanding of themselves as well as identifying their potential skills and knowledge with respect to their profession. It helps the participant to understand the lifelong, sequential process of determining self and person identity through life skills program. This is especially helpful for participants who are striving to learn more about who they are, which direction their life should take, and to learn more about others around them. They may appreciate how the changing nature of work has both advantages and disadvantages for some people’s career. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is famously quoted as saying, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” The term “branding” used to be reserved for businesses, but with the advent of social sites and the gig economy, personal branding has become fundamental. A personal brand is the unique combination of skills and experiences that make you who you are. It is how you present yourself to the world. Personal branding is also beneficial from the employer’s perspective.


Who Should Attend?

Junior/ Fresher level Management Executives from Private and Public Sector Organizations.

Building Team Dynamics in Digital Age by Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

Building Team Dynamics in Digital Age
Prof. Kalpana Sahoo
Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 19/07/2024 Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

The training programme is to assist the participants in gaining a better understanding of themselves as well as identifying their potential skills and knowledge with respect to their profession. As companies navigate this shift, team dynamics become increasingly important. The impact of this economy on business and employment is twofold: Not only are people in task-focused jobs being replaced by automation technology at an increasing rate, but companies are also restructuring to be leaner and more adaptable. Hierarchical structures — where people have well-defined, highly specific duties — are giving way to flatter ones. Cross-functional collaboration and teamwork are the mantras of business success.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Identify your own behavioral style and be able to flex to other styles
  • Recognize other behavioral styles and accommodate their needs
  • Improve planning and problem-solving strategies
  • Communicate and enhance trust by utilizing teamwork as a strategy
  • Build trust with diverse team members
  • Maintain communication and accountability
  • Improve the team’s interpersonal communication skills
  • Execute an action plan to ensure high-performing team behavior
Who Should Attend?

Junior/ Fresher level Management Executives from Private and Public sector Organizations.

Technical Product Management – A Practical Perspective by Prof. Ajit Kumar and Dr. Deepkumar Varma

Technical Product Management – A Practical Perspective
Prof. Ajit Kumar and Dr. Deepkumar Varma
Area / Discipline: Systems
Start Date: 01/08/2024  Duration: 3 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

Product management is a key domain which is growing across industries and organizations to help bring in customer perspectives and build customer loving products. The domain allows individuals to work across a variety of stakeholders and make an impact, while learning diverse skills and gaining extensive knowledge to excel in leadership roles in future.


Program Learning Outcomes:

This course will help to learn about: (1) Basics of Product management: What it is? What product managers do? Why is it important? etc; (2) Key process to identify requirements and build/enhance Tech products that customers love; (3) Provide practical insights of making successful IT products – including experiences across firms like Microsoft, Amazon, Flipkart, etc. (4) Help learners understand about product innovation and growth mindset.


Who Should Attend?

Seasoned professionals who want to upskill themselves on how to launch products at customers love.

Industry 4.0 Perspectives for Managers by Prof. Bhaskar Basu and Prof. Ritesh Kumar Dubey

Industry 4.0 Perspectives for Managers
Prof. Bhaskar Basu and Prof. Ritesh Kumar Dubey
Area / Discipline: Systems
Start Date: 20/08/2024  Duration: 4 Days  
Format: Online (10:00 – 13:00 Hrs)
Program Description:

This MDP aims to demystify the web of Industry 4.0 for business managers and illustrates a roadmap for leveraging smart and connected technology for harmonious adoption in various business processes and environments. The program helps the audience understand the managerial challenges to demystify aspects of Industry 4.0 and IT/OT integration. The program delves into disruptive technologies in the market and the 9 pillars of Industry 4.0, like AR/VR/XR, digital twins, blockchain, 3D printing, robotics and automation, cyber security, simulation, and system integration.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Understanding the capabilities of the digital disruptions brought by intelligent and connected techs like IIOT, CO-BOTS, XR, Digital Twins, FinTech, and the like.
  • Identifying the proper fit of the Industry 4.0 pillars to blend with the existing complex but core business processes.
  • Embracing the rapidly changing digital environment in business and bringing agility towards sustainability and competitiveness.


Who Should Attend?

This program is designed for middle or senior-level managers, leaders, entrepreneurs, CTOs, CXOs, professionals seeking a career in Consulting (strategy/ technology/ operations) roles, and aspiring tech consultants.

What It Takes to be Customer Centric by Prof. Krishna DasGupta

What It Takes to be Customer Centric
Prof. Krishna DasGupta


Area / Discipline: Systems
Start Date: 02/09/2024  Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

One day program on orienting junior executive and managerial personnel towards customer centricity. The role of cross functions in achieving CC, the differentiators between a CC and non CC strategy. Understand and implement the key variables to crucial for achieving CC strategy.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Understand the inevitability of CC culture. What sets a customer centric organization apart from non customer centric one. How to move in the direction of achieving customer centricity.

Who Should Attend?

Junior and mid level managers.

Financial Analysis and Modeling with Excel by Prof. Ritesh Kumar Dubey

Financial Analysis and Modeling with Excel
Prof. Ritesh Kumar Dubey


Area / Discipline: Accounting and Finance      
Start Date: 07/09/2024  Duration: 2 Days  
Format: Online
Program Description:

Spreadsheets have become one of the most widely used analytical tools in the hands of managers, and hence this MDP will provide an application-oriented introduction to building Excel models for solving business problems. Various real-world managerial problems are logically modeled, solved, and analyzed using Excel in a real on job work environment. Financial models allow finance professionals to gauge the effect of important decision variables and parameters on the final outcome.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Advanced Excel Functions
  • Financial Modeling Concepts and Applications
  • Creating a Dynamic Financial Model
  • Basics of Excel VBA & Macros
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • Regression in Finance
  • Multi-Stock Portfolio Construction Optimization
  • Creating an Integrated 3 Statement Model along with DCF Valuation
Who Should Attend?

This program is designed for entry, middle or senior-level managers, leaders, entrepreneurs, CTOs, CXOs, professionals, and students already engaged or seeking a career as Financial Analysts, Financial Modelers, Wealth Managers, Investment Bankers, and Consulting roles.

Employer Branding for Attracting Talent by Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Employer Branding for Attracting Talent
Prof. Mousumi Padhi


Area / Discipline: People Management 
Start Date: 09/09/2024  Duration: 2 Days  
Format: Online
Program Description:

In the war for talent, when acquiring the best talent in the market can be a differentiator in acquiring competitive advantage, employer branding becomes a strategic tool. Employer branding can be harnessed to communicate the company’s strengths its brand promise. A good employer brand can considerably reduce talent acquisition.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Appreciate fundamentals of Employer Branding

  • Able to design the EVP

  • Learn how to communicate an organization’s brand promise

  • Implement strategic employer Branding for attracting talent

Who Should Attend?

This is meant for employees in public, private and social sector for executives responsible for attracting talent, communicating and managing the employer brand and in HR functions.

Information Security Management / Cyber Security By Prof. Ajit Kumar

Information Security Management / Cyber Security
Prof. Ajit Kumar (Key Resource Person: Air Commodore Niranjan Kumar Parhi)
Area / Discipline: Systems
Start Date: 16/09/2024   Duration: 5 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

The Management Development Programme (MDP) on Information Security / Cyber Security and its multifarious domains is proposed to be conducted over a period of five days. The aim of the MDP is to explain the details of the need for information security / cyber security in various industries / academia / government department and other institutions such as hospitals etc. and how to build a robust cyber security infrastructure for the organisation. The exponential adoption of IT across all sectors has given rise to a new cyber security risk vector.   The growing cases of Ransomware attacks worldwide are exposing the underbelly of the IT infrastructure; both legacy and new alike. While this rat race between the users of the IT infrastructure and the hackers is not going to be over anytime soon, there is an inescapable need for the organisations to remain prepared for such attacks and recover from such attack through a robust cyber security strategy which implements cyber security BCP and DRP. The participants of this MDP shall be imparted a detailed training to handle cyber security of an organisation if such a requirement arises.


Program Learning Outcomes:

At the conclusion of the program, the following outcomes shall be achieved:

Understand the basic principles of cyber security; Understand the concepts of cyber security frameworks and architecture; Understand the concepts of Policies, Standards, Procedures, Guidelines & baselines and frame policy for their respective organisations; Understand Risk management and carry out the Risk Assessment & Risk Mitigation Plan for their respective organisations; Understand the concepts of Identity and Access Management; Understand and implement Asset Security; Understand and implement BCP /DRP; Understand Incident Management; Understand the concepts of Cloud Technology and Cloud Security.


Who Should Attend?

Cyber Security Practitioners, Engineers, Administrators, Consultants, Architect, Analyst

Design Thinking for Innovation By Prof. Shridhar Dash

Design Thinking for Innovation
Prof. Shridhar Dash
Area / Discipline: Innovation, Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship                   
Start Date: 26/09/2024  Duration: 3 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

The program will help the participant to understand human centric innovation from the perspective of consumer and customer. The program has been designed to help organizations come up with innovative, implementable solutions efficiently, for proactively managing change and innovation. Corporate teams struggling to cope with the VUCA world can leverage this program. NGO and civil society organizations looking for context specific solutions to solve societal problems can also find the program useful.


Program Learning Outcomes:

The participants will learn about Design thinking skills, tools and processes, find practical innovative solution for any specific problems and learn to be human centric.


Who Should Attend?

Employees of Corporate, NGO, and Civil Society. Entrepreneurs.

Promoting Employee Happiness & Wellbeing by Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

Promoting Employee Happiness & Wellbeing
Prof. Kalpana Sahoo
Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 04/10/2024   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

The importance of work for personal health and happiness is manifest in several domains of our lives. Work is associated with several benefits that promote well-being. A critical factor in the relationship between work and happiness is job satisfaction and job satisfaction are strongly correlated with life satisfaction. Researchers believe the causal direction of the relationship goes both ways. Happy people find satisfaction in their work, and a satisfying work contributes to individual happiness.

Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Intrinsic &Extrinsic elements of happiness
  • Show appreciation with respect and dignity.
  • Foster meaningful relationships
  • Strategies to promote enjoyable working atmosphere.
Who Should Attend?

Senior level Management Executives from Private and Public sector Organizations.

Inventory Control and Management System: A dive for operational excellence by Prof. Mahamaya Mohanty

Inventory Control and Management System: A dive for operational excellence
Prof. Mahamaya Mohanty
Area / Discipline: OMDS
Start Date: 10/10/2024  Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

The program has been designed to impart essential knowledge of several basic as well as advanced inventory management systems to the participants by engaging them in hands-on case studies and scenarios in real business contexts. The objective of the MDP would focus on providing the participants with a comprehensive understanding of inventory management principles, equipping participants with strategies to optimize inventory levels, reduce stockouts, minimize excess inventory, and improve cash flow, guiding the participants to understand inventory tracking, stock replenishment, and safety stock. Further, the participants will be empowered to make decisions regarding inventory optimization, procurement, and demand forecasting, mitigate risks such as stockouts, overstocking, spillage, and shrinkage, and promote collaboration among various stakeholders involved in the inventory management process. Lastly, the participants will learn to adapt inventory management best practices to changing market demands, seasonal fluctuations, and unforeseen disruptions.

Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Understanding of Inventory Management for long Life cycle product
  • Understanding of Inventory Management for Short Life cycle product
  • Discussing Inventory Management in case of Quantity Discount
  • Managing Inventory under uncertainty and stochastic Demand and Lead time
Who Should Attend?

This program is designed for entry, middle level managers and entrepreneurs

Improving Effectiveness by Managing Stress and Work Family Conflict by Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Improving Effectiveness by Managing Stress and Work Family Conflict
Prof. Mousumi Padhi
Area / Discipline: People Management
Start Date: 01/11/2024  Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

The increasing complexity of organizational work combined with the unique cultural aspects of India makes balancing work and family demanding for women. Additionally, as organizations get performance focused, officials have to focus on developing their competence in managing their own self, interpersonal relationships at work and managing groups. As the individual official achieves her targets and goals, her team performs, and hence the organization performs and grows.



Program Learning Outcomes:

To gain an insight into roles Played in Organisation and life

  • To be able to identify Organizational Role stressors
  • To be able to identify Family Role Stressors
  • To Enhance Role Efficacy
  • To be able to use preventive Stress management
  • To enhance work and family balance


Who Should Attend?

For mid-level and senior executives in public sector, Government departments, Private sector and NGO’s.

Introduction to AI (Artificial Intelligence & ML (Machine Learning) for Non-Technical Managers by Prof. Prof. T. Kumar (RM School), Prof. Ajit Kumar (BM School) & Mr. Anand Pandey (industry person from TCS, Bengaluru)

Introduction to AI (Artificial Intelligence & ML (Machine Learning) for Non-Technical Managers
Prof. Prof. T. Kumar (RM School), Prof. Ajit Kumar (BM School) & Mr. Anand Pandey (industry person from TCS, Bengaluru)
Area / Discipline: Decision Sciences      
Start Date: 07/11/2024  Duration: 3 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

This is an introductory program on AI & ML for managers who don’t have prior knowledge of coding or Artificial Intelligence. The training program will be jointly handled by Prof. T. Kumar (RM School), Prof. Ajit Kumar (BM School) & Mr. Anand Pandey (industry resource person from TCS, Bengaluru).

Program Learning Outcomes:
  1. Understanding of AI & ML Concepts
  2. Understanding of applications of AI & ML in difference sectors
  3. Hands-on experience of using AI for industry applications without using coding
  4. Hands-on experience of solving basic ML problems using minimal Python coding
Who Should Attend?

Middle/Senior Managers in the Corporate / Govt. / PSU / Non-Profit sector.

Leading through Storytelling by Prof. Balram Bhushan

Leading through Storytelling


Prof. Balram Bhushan

Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 14/11/2024  Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

This MDP is designed to empower professionals to thrive in new roles by mastering the art of storytelling. A new position often presents the challenge of handling unique data and interacting with diverse individuals. This can be daunting for those who struggle to see the bigger picture and align their work with the organization’s vision. The program guides participants in transforming data-rich information, experiences, beliefs, values, and mission into compelling narratives to foster impactful communication. By connecting the dots, they can effectively position their work within the broader context of the organization, turning challenges into opportunities. This program is a powerful tool for those ready to embrace change and make a difference.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  1. Understanding the significance of Storytelling in Business: Stories are powerful tools in business, driving engagement and fostering a deeper connection with the audience. They humanize the information, making it more relatable and memorable.
  2. Decoding Story Elements: The art and science of storytelling involve identifying key elements that make a story compelling. These include a clear narrative, relatable characters, and a meaningful message.
  3. Mastering Storytelling for Positive Outcomes: By mastering storytelling, working professional can influence perceptions, inspire action, and drive positive outcomes. It’s a strategic tool for achieving the business goals.
Who Should Attend?

This program is crafted for entry and middle-level managers, start-up leaders, entrepreneurs, aspiring consultants, and individuals in a supervisory role. It’s particularly beneficial for those with less than 3 years of experience in their current position.

Becoming an inspiring leader by Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

Becoming an inspiring leader
Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena
Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 15/11/2024   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

When employees are not just engaged but inspired, that’s when organisations see real breakthroughs. Inspired employees are themselves far more productive and, in turn, inspire those around them to strive for greater heights.

While anyone can become an inspiring leader (they are made, not born), there are far too few in most companies. Inspiring leaders use their unique combination of strengths to motivate individuals and teams to take on bold missions – and hold them accountable for results. They unlock higher performance through empowerment, not command and control.

The two days Program immerses you through interactive discussion, experience sharing, case studies, role plays, and psychometric tests, interspersed with lecture sessions and will cover the following aspects:

  • What Inspired Leaders do?
  • What it takes to be an Inspired Leader?
  • Understanding and enhancing Emotional Quotient
  • Values and Ethics in Leadership Effectiveness
Program Learning Outcomes:

The program “Becoming an inspiring leader” allows you to expand your leadership skills and enrich how you mobilise others. During the program, you will examine your individual leadership strengths and weaknesses and learn how to be a more grounded leader. The program equips you with the tools to build strong relationships with your team, increase engagement and shape a high-performance culture.

Who Should Attend?

Programme is designed for every manager who aspires to develop himself/herself as an effective leader in all spheres of work and life.

Spreadsheet Modelling for Business by Prof. Bhaskar Basu and Prof. Rahul Thakurta

Spreadsheet Modelling for Business
Prof. Bhaskar Basu and Prof. Rahul Thakurta
Area / Discipline: Systems
Start Date: 23/11/2024       Duration: 2 Days  
Format: Online
Program Description:

The importance of MS Excel in summarizing, reporting, and analyzing data in their daily work is understood by everyone. It might also involve analytic models for gauging increased profits, reduced costs, or efficient operations. The workshop aims to offer the participants new and improved methods for analyzing important business problems including access to datasets for practical problem solving.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Create your search models
  • Harness the power of spreadsheets to map and predict data
  • Make informed decision-making for optimum results


Who Should Attend?

This program is designed for mid-level managers in organizations who want to exploit the power of MS Excel for better decision-making and problem solving.

Certified Performance Management Professional by Prof. Arup Roy Chowdhury

Certified Performance Management Professional
Prof. Arup Roy Chowdhury
Area / Discipline: People Management
Start Date: 27/11/2024   Duration: 3 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

A program to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of Performance Management, its evolution, and best practices for implementing and managing effective Performance Management systems.

The program will facilitate comprehensive learning of participants through hands on experience as (a) how to set SMART goals and objectives, develop key performance indicators (KPIs), and align individual and team goals with organizational objectives using leading practices such as MBO, OKR, Balanced Score Card, X-Matrix etc., (b) Developing skills in conducting effective performance appraisals, providing constructive feedback and coaching, and identifying training and development needs; (c) how to use various digital tools in enhancing Performance Management practices.

Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the importance and benefits of Performance Management in achieving organizational objectives.
  • Develop skills in setting SMART goals, developing KPIs, and aligning individual and team goals with organizational objectives using leading practices such as MBO, OKR, Balanced Score Card, X-Matrix, and others.
  • Gain insights into best practices and emerging trends in Performance Management.
  • Develop skills in collecting and analyzing performance data, identifying trends and patterns, and developing action plans to address performance gaps.
  • Develop skills in conducting effective performance appraisals, providing constructive feedback and coaching, and identifying training and development needs.
  • Gain insights into new and emerging Performance Management practices and their advantages and limitations.
  • Develop skills in using various digital tools for enhancing Performance Management practices.
Who Should Attend?

This course is ideal for HR professionals and Managers, who are interested in learning about Performance Management and its best practices to practice as specialist Performance Management Practitioners at their organizations or would like to set-up a Performance Management Consulting Practice.

Interactive Systems Design By Prof. Amar KJR Nayak

Interactive Systems Design
Prof. Amar KJR Nayak
Area / Discipline: Systems
Start Date: 04/12/2024   Duration: 3 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

Through this Systems Design 3-day MDP, the senior corporate executives would get the conceptual clarity and appreciate the practical utility of design thinking and systems approach to improving the performance in their respective workplaces. The broad areas of the workshop shall include systems science, systems diagnosis, systems dynamics, illustration of systems design and some hands-on design practice.

The MDP has been designed to enhance the systems design thinking competence of senior executives that would enhance their capability to better diagnose complexities, interdependence of actors and factors, imbibe the values and ethics to better align resources and competence and handhold subordinates to design products, processes, and operations of the organization.    

Program Learning Outcomes:
  1. Be able to understand the inherent nature of our interconnectedness, interdependence, and interactions in the ecosystem of firms, industry, economy, and society.
  2. Be able to appreciate the significance of holistic thinking and holistic action.
  3. Improve the alignment of resources and expertise within and outside the organization for greater organizational performance.
  4. Achieve an immersive, social learning experience and learn to direct the team members for such an experience in respective workplace.
  5. Be able to systematically transit from competition to cooperation that is from a partial and temporal efficiency paradigm to a wholesome and long-term sustainability paradigm.
Who Should Attend?

Corporate Executives

Team Building & Collaboration for Management Effectiveness  By Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

Team Building & Collaboration for Management Effectiveness 
Prof. Kalpana Sahoo
Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 06/12/2024   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

Identify your own behavioral style and be able to flex to other styles

  • Recognize other behavioral styles and accommodate their needs
  • Improve planning and problem-solving strategies
  • Communicate and enhance trust by utilizing teamwork as a strategy
  • Build trust with diverse team members
  • Maintain communication and accountability
  • Improve the team& interpersonal communication skills
  • Execute an action plan to ensure high-performing team behavior
Program Learning Outcomes:

The training programme is to assist the participants in gaining a better understanding of themselves as well as identifying their potential skills and knowledge with respect to their profession.

Understanding the building blocks to a successful team.

Exploring characteristics of a team leader and appreciating the different team roles that other members play

Understanding team dysfunctions and how to overcome them


Who Should Attend?

Junior/ Fresher level Management Executives from Private and Public sector Organizations

Regenerative Ecosystems Design By Prof. Amar KJR Nayak

Regenerative Ecosystems Design
Prof. Amar KJR Nayak
Area / Discipline: Systems
Start Date: 17/12/2023   Duration: 3 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

Through this Systems Design 3-day MDP, the senior Development Executives in the Government, Development Agencies, NGO/CSOs, etc shall have the opportunity to discern individually, reflect collectively, and deliberate through a multidisciplinary approach to design and operationalize public systems to be effective, sustainable, and regenerative. The broad areas of the MDP shall include systems science, systems diagnosis, systems dynamics, science of regenerative ness, illustrations of regenerative systems and hands-on design practice.

The MDP has been designed to enhance the systems design thinking competence of development executives who could incorporate them to better diagnose complexities, interdependence of actors and factors, imbibe the regenerative values to better align resources, expertise, and competences to enable and guide their subordinates to facilitate public systems to be effective, sustainable, and regenerative in different ecosystems.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  1. Be able to appreciate the significance of other centeredness and respect for others in both personal and professional growth..
  2. Be able to understand the inherent nature of our interconnectedness, interdependence, interactions, and intent in the ecosystem of public systems, economy, and society.
  3. Improve the alignment of resources, expertise, and competences within and outside a department/organization/entity for greater effectiveness and performance.
  4. Be able to systematically transit from the high transaction cost, inefficient public systems with partial and temporal efficiency paradigm to a wholesome and regenerative paradigm that caters not only to long term but also immediate terms.
  5. Experience an immersive, social learning process and learn to direct the team members for such an experience in respective workplaces.
Who Should Attend?

Development Executives

Personal Effectiveness & Image Building by Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

Personal Effectiveness & Image Building
Prof. Kalpana Sahoo
Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 18/12/2024   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

Understanding self

  • Able to create powerful visibility
  • First impression
  • Connecting to self to organization
  • Behavioural Adjustment
  • Understanding the power of emotional health
Program Learning Outcomes:

The training program is to assist the participants in gaining a better understanding of themselves as well as identifying their potential skills and knowledge with respect to their profession. It helps the participant to understand the lifelong, sequential process of determining self and person identity through life skills program. This is especially helpful for participants who are striving to learn more about who they are, which direction their life should take, and to learn more about others around them. They may appreciate how the changing nature of work has both advantages and disadvantages for some people’s career. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is famously quoted as saying, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” The term “branding” used to be reserved for businesses, but with the advent of social sites and the gig economy, personal branding has become fundamental. A personal brand is the unique combination of skills and experiences that make you who you are. It is how you present yourself to the world. Personal branding is also beneficial from the employer’s perspective.

Who Should Attend?

Junior/ Fresher level Management Executives from Private and Public sector Organizations

Performance Excellence through Social Intrapreneurship by Prof. Balram Bhushan

Performance Excellence through Social Intrapreneurship
Prof. Balram Bhushan
Area / Discipline: Organizational Behaviour and Entrepreneurship
Start Date: 19/12/2024  Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

This MDP is a catalyst for social intrapreneurship which promotes social consciousness among professionals working in diverse organizations. It empowers individuals to serve society through their work while acheving their primary motive by connecting mind (logic) and heart (emotions). The program integrates the emotional and intellectual aspects of individuals, encouraging them to contribute positively to societal development. It highlights the non-monetary rewards of work, enhancing personal and professional fulfillment. In essence, it’s about doing well by doing good, creating harmony between work and societal contribution.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Understanding the concept of Social Intrapreneurship, emphasizing innovation, creativity, and risk-taking for a purposeful cause.
  • Recognizing its elements and tailoring them to align with personal and organizational objectives.
  • Integrating these customized elements, it strives to attain mutiple social and financial outcomes.
  • Nurturing work satisfaction and happiness, enhancing overall well-being.
Who Should Attend?

This program is crafted for entry and middle-level managers working in corporate, government, NGOs and budding entrepreneurs. The program in more relevant people whose work directly affect life of others through their products and/or services and aspire to add meaningfulness to their work.

Financial Analysis and Modeling with Excel by Prof. Ritesh Kumar Dubey

Financial Analysis and Modeling with Excel
Prof. Ritesh Kumar Dubey
Area / Discipline: Accounting and Finance      
Start Date: 26/12/2024   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

Spreadsheets have become one of the most widely used analytical tools in the hands of managers, and hence this MDP will provide an application-oriented introduction to building Excel models for solving business problems. Various real-world managerial problems are logically modeled, solved, and analyzed using Excel in a real on job work environment. Financial models allow finance professionals to gauge the effect of important decision variables and parameters on the final outcome.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Advanced Excel Functions
  • Financial Modeling Concepts and Applications
  • Creating a Dynamic Financial Model
  • Basics of Excel VBA & Macros
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • Regression in Finance
  • Multi-Stock Portfolio Construction Optimization
  • Creating an Integrated 3 Statement Model along with DCF Valuation
Who Should Attend?

This program is designed for entry, middle or senior-level managers, leaders, entrepreneurs, CTOs, CXOs, professionals, and students already engaged or seeking a career as Financial Analysts, Financial Modelers, Wealth Managers, Investment Bankers, and Consulting roles.

Building Team Dynamics in Digital Age By Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

Building Team Dynamics in Digital Age
Prof. Kalpana Sahoo
Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 27/12/2024   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

The training programme is to assist the participants in gaining a better understanding of themselves as well as identifying their potential skills and knowledge with respect to their profession. As companies navigate this shift, team dynamics become increasingly important. The impact of this economy on business and employment is twofold: Not only are people in task-focused jobs being replaced by automation technology at an increasing rate, but companies are also restructuring to be leaner and more adaptable. Hierarchical structures — where people have well-defined, highly specific duties — are giving way to flatter ones. Cross-functional collaboration and teamwork are the mantras of business success.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Identify your own behavioral style and be able to flex to other styles
  • Recognize other behavioral styles and accommodate their needs
  • Improve planning and problem-solving strategies
  • Communicate and enhance trust by utilizing teamwork as a strategy
  • Build trust with diverse team members
  • Maintain communication and accountability
  • Improve the team’s interpersonal communication skills
  • Execute an action plan to ensure high-performing team behavior
Who Should Attend?

Junior/ Fresher level Management Executives from Private and Public sector Organizations

The Versatile Prompt Engineer - Using ChatGPT to Become a Master Across Diverse Roles in the Digital Age by Prof. Ajit Kumar

The Versatile Prompt Engineer – Using ChatGPT to Become a Master Across Diverse Roles in the Digital Age
Prof. Ajit Kumar
Area / Discipline: Systems
Start Date: 30/12/2023  Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

This course, “The Versatile Prompt Engineer – Mastering Diverse Roles in the Digital Age,” aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of prompt engineering principles and techniques to prepare students for a successful career in various industries. By learning the basics and advanced methods, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to excel as prompt engineering specialists, capable of handling multiple roles in marketing, digital marketing, technology, and people management. The course is structured into eight main sections, covering the foundations, specialisations, advanced techniques, tips and tricks, job enhancement opportunities, and concluding with a summary and insights on how to build a successful career.


Program Learning Outcomes:

By learning the basics and advanced methods, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to excel as prompt engineering specialists, capable of handling multiple roles in marketing, digital marketing, technology, and people management.


Who Should Attend?

Marketing Professionals, Technology Consultant and People Management

Improving Effectiveness of Women At Workplace by Prof. Mousumi Padhi

Improving Effectiveness of Women At Workplace
Prof. Mousumi Padhi
Area / Discipline: People Management 
Start Date: 06/01/2025   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

The increasing complexity of organizational work combined with the unique cultural aspects of India makes balancing work and family demanding for women. Additionally as organizations get performance focused, officials have to focus on developing their competence in managing their own self, interpersonal relationships at work and managing groups. As the individual official achieves her targets and goals, her team performs, and hence the organization performs and grows.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the trigger points for breakdown of work life balance
  • Learning how to cope with negative work-life interface – strategies and mechanisms
  • Learning and developing from support groups
  • Manage difficult interactions
  • Learn and invest in understanding self
Who Should Attend?

For junior and mid-level women executives in public sector, NGO’s Corporates etc. with more than 4 years of experience. This will also benefit companies who want to enhance retention of women.

Making Impactful Corporate Presentations by Prof. Ibha Kumar

Making Impactful Corporate Presentations
Prof. Ibha Kumar
Area / Discipline: Communication
Start Date: 20/01/2025   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

The participants will be trained in making impactful corporate presentation, both as an individual and as a member of a group. Inputs will be given on managing the ‘self’, the ‘content’, and the ‘audience’ in a presentation. Focus on experiential learning will add meaning and value to the sessions. Immediate feedback by the trainer will help the participants polish their presentation skills better.


Program Learning Outcomes:

The participants will gain confidence in making both individual and group presentations. They will learn to prepare effective Power point slides to suit the needs of the audience. They will also learn to handle the questions raised by the audience during or after the presentation.


Who Should Attend?

Lower or Middle level

Surging Past the Superwoman Syndrome: Drop the Cape to Fly High By Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

Surging Past the Superwoman Syndrome: Drop the Cape to Fly High
Prof. Subhra Pattnaik
Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 25/01/2025   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

India ranks amongst the lowest in gender diversity studies with a dismal statistic of mere 23% female workforce participation rate. The number looks grimmer with hardly 10% female representation in senior roles and 5% female representation in leadership roles. Where are our women hiding? Research proves that Indian women are as aspirant of successful careers and as capable of their men counterparts to live their aspirations. Why are these aspirations not translating to reality then? Where are they getting lost? Why are they getting lost? Or are they just getting replaced with women getting too busy in trying to be ‘superwomen’ at some point in their life? Can woman fly higher when they drop that cape of being a ‘superwoman’ and connect with the ordinary woman that they actually are? This workshop raises such questions and explores answers to them in a collective dialoguing of the wonderful women participants.


Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon the completion of this program, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the woman inside them better.
  • Appreciate the need to move past the superwoman syndrome and stop ‘Shoulding’ themselves.
  • Achieve better work-life balance through efficient goal setting, planning and prioritizing.
  • Appreciate the role of multi-stakeholders such as the individual, family, society, organization and government in patch the Leaking pipeline and breaking the glass ceiling.
  • Explore the process of redefining societal and workplace norms to live your dreams.
Who Should Attend?

This program is exclusively designed for all working women and for young women aspiring for a career at workplace

Surging Past the Superwoman Syndrome: Drop the Cape to Fly High By Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

Surging Past the Superwoman Syndrome: Drop the Cape to Fly High
Prof. Subhra Pattnaik
Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 27/01/2025    Duration: 2 Days  
Format: Online
Program Description:

India ranks amongst the lowest in gender diversity studies with a dismal statistic of mere 23% female workforce participation rate. The number looks grimmer with hardly 10% female representation in senior roles and 5% female representation in leadership roles. Where are our women hiding? Research proves that Indian women are as aspirant of successful careers and as capable of their men counterparts to live their aspirations. Why are these aspirations not translating to reality then? Where are they getting lost? Why are they getting lost? Or are they just getting replaced with women getting too busy in trying to be ‘superwomen’ at some point in their life? Can woman fly higher when they drop that cape of being a ‘superwoman’ and connect with the ordinary woman that they actually are? This workshop raises such questions and explores answers to them in a collective dialoguing of the wonderful women participants.


Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon the completion of this program, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the woman inside them better.
  • Appreciate the need to move past the superwoman syndrome and stop ‘Shoulding’ themselves.
  • Achieve better work-life balance through efficient goal setting, planning and prioritizing.
  • Appreciate the role of multi-stakeholders such as the individual, family, society, organization and government in patch the Leaking pipeline and breaking the glass ceiling.
  • Explore the process of redefining societal and workplace norms to live your dreams.
Who Should Attend?

This program is exclusively designed for all working women and for young women aspiring for a career at workplace

Leadership, Efficiency, Awareness, and Professionalism: A LEAP towards success by Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

Leadership, Efficiency, Awareness, and Professionalism: A LEAP towards success
Prof. Subhra Pattnaik
Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 01/02/2025   Duration: 3 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

The present day corporate landscape is extremely fast and dynamic and throws a myriad challenge at employees and managers at the workplace. While employees are required to be smart workers and adhere to high performance standards, managers operate in a complex environment where they need to handle multiple projects, expectations of multiple stakeholders of diverse backgrounds, and are expected to be thought leaders who could lead innovation in organizations. Research studies analyzing success factors in the corporate landscape reveal the importance of Leadership, Efficiency, Awareness and Professionalism (LEAP) along with technical know-how in paving a bright career path for any employee. This workshop focuses on building such corporate life skills for working executives that would help them enhance their workplace awareness and succeed by leading high performance work teams.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon the completion of this program, the participants will be able to:

  • Engage in impactful and strategic workplace communication
  • Work and win in teams
  • Lead and motivate through examples for building a high performance workplace
  • Achieve better work-life balance through efficient goal setting, planning and prioritizing.
  • Appreciate diversity at workplace and leverage it to gain competitive advantage
  • Strive towards Innovation and Change at workplace

and negotiations

  • Handle workplace change and ambiguity with more ease
  • Create a culture of learning and innovation in their organizations
Who Should Attend?

The program would be beneficial for all working executives, especially those who are in people management roles or would be in such roles in the near future.

Unleashing the power within by Prof. Ibha Kumar

Unleashing the power within
Prof. Ibha Kumar
Area / Discipline: Communication        
Start Date: 03/02/2025   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

The program will focus on understanding the major energy centers in our body and how these can be exploited for making ourselves more healthy mentally, physically emotionally and spiritually. Quick brief exercises will help the participants analyze themselves and their environment better. Inputs on some basic tenets of life will help increase self awareness and consequently their quality of life. Sessions on meditation will help in reducing stress, if any, and produce a deep sense of relaxation in the stressful world of today.


Program Learning Outcomes:

The program will help the managers in increasing self awareness, reducing negative emotions, building skills to manage stress, increasing patience and tolerance, controlling blood pressure, relaxing the mind and building positive relationship with self and others. This will help in decision-making as well.


Who Should Attend?

Middle or Senior level managers

Leadership, Efficiency, Awareness, and Professionalism: A LEAP towards success by Prof. Subhra Pattnaik

Leadership, Efficiency, Awareness, and Professionalism: A LEAP towards success
Prof. Subhra Pattnaik
Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 04/02/2025   Duration: 3 Days  
Format: Online
Program Description:

The present day corporate landscape is extremely fast and dynamic and throws a myriad challenge at employees and managers at the workplace. While employees are required to be smart workers and adhere to high performance standards, managers operate in a complex environment where they need to handle multiple projects, expectations of multiple stakeholders of diverse backgrounds, and are expected to be thought leaders who could lead innovation in organizations. Research studies analyzing success factors in the corporate landscape reveal the importance of Leadership, Efficiency, Awareness and Professionalism (LEAP) along with technical know-how in paving a bright career path for any employee. This workshop focuses on building such corporate life skills for working executives that would help them enhance their workplace awareness and succeed by leading high performance work teams.


Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon the completion of this program, the participants will be able to:

  • Engage in impactful and strategic workplace communication
  • Work and win in teams
  • Lead and motivate through examples for building a high performance workplace
  • Achieve better work-life balance through efficient goal setting, planning and prioritizing.
  • Appreciate diversity at workplace and leverage it to gain competitive advantage
  • Strive towards Innovation and Change at workplace

and negotiations

  • Handle workplace change and ambiguity with more ease
  • Create a culture of learning and innovation in their organizations
Who Should Attend?

The program would be beneficial for all working executives, especially those who are in people management roles or would be in such roles in the near future.

Mastering Impressions, Communication, and Etiquette for Sales Success by Prof. Ibha Kumar & Prof. Sumitra Mishra

Mastering Impressions, Communication, and Etiquette for Sales Success
Prof. Ibha Kumar & Prof. Sumitra Mishra
Area / Discipline: Communication       
Start Date: 10/02/2025   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

In today’s competitive landscape, success in sales depends not only on product knowledge but also on mastering the art of professional communication and presentation. This two-day Management Development Program (MDP) equips you with the essential skills to project a powerful and confident image, fostering trust and building strong relationships with clients and colleagues. The main elements include training in business impressions, the art of conversations, networking, business etiquette and dining with confidence. The program offers expert-led instruction, interactive workshops, and personalized feedback. Through active participation in interactive sessions, demonstrations, video analyses, role-playing exercises, and expert guidance, you’ll gain the knowledge and practical skills to navigate any business event with poise and professionalism.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Be able to improve first impressions, conversations and improve their network and relationships.
  • Understand the power of body language, non-verbal communication and projection
  • Understand cross-cultural norms, mannerisms and etiquette for professionalism
  • Get acquainted with food etiquette and professional courtesy for multiple formats of work lunches and dinners, buffets, and business meetings
  • Be able to create more positive impressions and foster more meaningful connections.
Who Should Attend?

Sales Executives, Managersm and Senior Managers in Sales Roles

Promoting Employee Happiness & Wellbeing by Prof. Kalpana Sahoo

Promoting Employee Happiness & Wellbeing
Prof. Kalpana Sahoo
Area / Discipline: Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
Start Date: 10/02/2025   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

The importance of work for personal health and happiness is manifest in several domains of our lives. Work is associated with several benefits that promote well-being. A critical factor in the relationship between work and happiness is job satisfaction and job satisfaction are strongly correlated with life satisfaction. Researchers believe the causal direction of the relationship goes both ways. Happy people find satisfaction in their work, and a satisfying work contributes to individual happiness.

Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Intrinsic &Extrinsic elements of happiness
  • Show appreciation with respect and dignity.
  • Foster meaningful relationships
  • Strategies to promote enjoyable working atmosphere.
Who Should Attend?

Senior level Management Executives from Private and Public sector Organizations

Leading Digital Transformation for Businesses by Prof. Ajit Kumar (Key Resource Person: Mr. Sashikant Mohanty)

Leading Digital Transformation for Businesses
Prof. Ajit Kumar (Key Resource Person: Mr. Sashikant Mohanty)
Area / Discipline: Systems
Start Date: 20/02/2025   Duration: 4 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

While disruptions have been a threat to a few sectors for long, the proliferation of digital technologies has amplified its impact and made it felt across all industries. Further, the uncertainties have been a constant threat while fierce competition has only compounded the challenges. Established leaders have been facing the heat and a constant threat that is existential. However, all these drivers have been unleashing enormous opportunities and the tools to excel in the new digital realm are available. Drawing upon years of experience and insights across digital strategy and innovation, industry leading practices and leadership – Leading Digital Transformation for Business provides a holistic view of digital transformation. The key learning objectives of the Leading Digital Transformation for Businesses are to be able to understand the evolving contours & new business models, strategic view of digital disruptors, drivers of digital transformation, need for agile organization for digital adoption and acceleration, development and execution of digital strategy and roadmap, and governance.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the Drivers of digital disruption: Develop a comprehensive understanding of the strategic drivers of digital transformation for your industry
  • Mobilize the Right Team: Critically analyze the organizational and team capabilities needed to support a resilient digital-ready business
  • Develop Deep capabilities in Digital and Innovation: Acquire knowledge about innovation capabilities to generate more insights and leverage these insights to create new revenue streams
  • Create your unique Action Plans: Be able to assess and identify personal, actionable plans to address the strategic, organisational and innovation opportunities you face
Who Should Attend?
  • Business leaders, senior management or business owners in charge of developing or execution of digital transformation, or seeking the comprehensive perspective needed to lead in a digital world, which includes: strategic understanding, organisational wisdom and innovation-based capabilities
  • Senior managers seeking to build their own capabilities in strategy, leadership and innovation as well as develop personalised, actionable plans


Effective Communication in the Workplace: Building Bridges Through Empathy by Prof. Ibha Kumar & Prof. Sumitra Mishra

Effective Communication in the Workplace: Building Bridges Through Empathy
Prof. Ibha Kumar & Prof. Sumitra Mishra
Area / Discipline: Communication
Start Date: 01/08/2024  Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

This interactive workshop equips junior and mid-level managers with the essential tools to become empathetic communicators, fostering stronger team dynamics, deeper connections, and a more positive work environment. This program works through individual and team-based activities to re-establish and fortify empathy as an essential factor in intra-personal and inter-personal dynamics. It involves understanding the difference between empathy and sympathy, breaking down barriers, mastering active listening, adapting communication styles, and demonstrating empathy across various channels, including face-to-face interactions, emails, and online platforms.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand empathy versus sympathy and its role in building relationships.
  • Identify and overcome barriers hindering empathy and expression of the same.
  • Master active listening for deeper understanding.
  • Adapt individual communication style while maintaining empathy.
  • Demonstrate empathy across different communication channels and online platforms.
Who Should Attend?

Junior and Mid-Level Managers

Team Leads and Supervisors

Senior Managers and Heads of organizations

Anyone looking to improve communication skills and build stronger relationships with colleagues

Developing High-Performing Front-line Managers By Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena

Developing High-Performing Front-line Managers
Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena
Area / Discipline: Systems
Start Date: 03/03/2025   Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

Frontline managers are the managerial glue of a business, responsible for many critical day-to-day operations. They’re often an organisation’s largest population of leaders. With the ever-flattening digital world, frontline managers are more responsible than ever. Since these frontline managers may go on to middle- and even upper-management jobs, it’s little wonder that a 2021 worldwide workplace survey states that 50% of all managers across organisations are rated as ineffective. While 2022 Human Capital Management, in collaboration with Skillsoft, India, conducted a study on 252 organisations, and it was found that leadership development initiatives often focus on mid and executive-level leaders while ignoring the developmental needs of first-time, front-line managers.

To rectify such leadership limitations, it is imperative that organisations need to pay attention to frontline leadership and formalise new ways of frontline development, Investing and supporting new front-line managers to make them better-performing managers, and thus promoting employee engagement.

The two days program will be facilitated through interactive discussion and topic-by-topic exposition, self-instruction exercises, case studies, role plays, and psychometric tests, interspersed with lecture sessions.

Program Learning Outcomes:

The program will make you to understand the following aspects:

  • Leading others vs Managing things
  • Identifying the Key Performance Areas and Key Performance Indicators of your Job
  • Developing Trust in Teams
  • How to be more Persuasive and Influential
  • Understanding Resistance to Change and how to Overcome it
  • How to be Consciously Competent in your Leadership Role
Who Should Attend?


Junior/ Fresher level Management Executives from Private and Public sector Organizations



Emerging Technologies and the Business of Sports by Prof. Bhaskar Basu

Emerging Technologies and the Business of Sports
Prof. Bhaskar Basu
Area / Discipline: Systems          
Start Date: 14/04/2025 
Duration: 4 Days  
Format: Online
Program Description:

This MDP is a “tech for the non-tech” offering and aims to identify how transformational technologies can become a competitive advantage for your organization. The value proposition of these technologies for distinct stakeholders will be explained using insights from the professional sports industry. Sessions will help uncover the fundamentals of physical, information processing, and human interaction technologies and how they change business models and consumer behavior in the sports industry.

Program Learning Outcomes:
  • 1 Identify opportunities and threats associated with technological changes in your industry

    2 Apply technology use cases and articulate key success factors for implementing them in your organization

Who Should Attend?
  • Business professionals from different industries looking to better understand game-changing technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, internet of Things (IoT), robotics and VR/AR
  • Sports managers or professionals seeking to strengthen their knowledge of implementing the latest technologies
  • Common sports fan or consumer with an eye for future scenarios in the sports industry and business

Strategic Sourcing By Prof. Arijit Mitra 

Strategic Sourcing
Prof. Arijit Mitra 
Area / Discipline: Operations
Start Date: 15/04/2025 
Duration: 4 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

This program is primarily designed for sourcing and procurement professionals from various sectors handling manufacturing & services. Focus audience is those professionals in the domain of sourcing and procurement who want to get a substantial leverage from their sourcing or procurement or purchasing processes (as the case may be). Participants will learn about the step by step Strategic Sourcing Process with proper examples and cases from manufacturing, FMCG and service industries at every step. The program will also cover another important aspect of sourcing, namely, Buyer-Supplier Relationship management, which is commonly known as SRM processes in which the emphasis will further be given on Supply Management Orientation of the Buyer Firm, which is quite emerging concept in the area of Supplier Relationship management. Both the technical and soft aspects of SRM will be covered. Moreover, the Buyer Management Orientation from the supplier firm side will also be elaborated with probable important parameters and examples.

Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Understanding the evolving roles and responsibilities in modern-day sales
  • Making the leap from top sales performer to effective sales leader and manager.
  • Building a high-performance sales culture and a cohesive and collaborative sales team.
  • Planning and managing team and individual sales targets, goals, and activities.
  • Managing an “opportunity portfolio” (sales pipeline) and top practices for sales forecasting.
  • Understanding the sales manager’s role in accounts and opportunities
  • Conducting individual account reviews, opportunity reviews, and team planning sessions.
  • Leveraging best practices for time management and personal productivity at the sales-manager level.
  • Leveraging sales performance rewards, recognition, and other forms of motivational incentives.
  • Managing individual activity and performance reviews for sales professionals.
Who Should Attend?
  • Understanding of step by step strategic sourcing process as a tool for leveraging the procurement processes
  • Understanding of the aspects of Buyer-Supplier Relationship Management or SRM as a whole with emphasis on
  1. a) Supply Management Orientation of the Buyer Firm
  2. b) Buyer Management Orientation from the supplier firm side
  • Understanding of Category and commodity management
  • Implementation of Strategic Sourcing Process and SRM to become a Strategic Buyer from simple “Getter”

Unlock the Power of Win-Win: Mastering Negotiation Strategies by Prof. Sumitra Mishra

Unlock the Power of Win-Win: Mastering Negotiation Strategies
Prof. Sumitra Mishra
Area / Discipline: Communication        
Start Date: 28/04/2025 
  Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

Unlock the Power of Win-Win helps you become a confident and persuasive negotiator by providing the tools and strategies to achieve successful outcomes in important interactions. Through interactive sessions, case discussions and opinion sharing, activities and role-playing exercises, you’ll gain practical expertise in understanding your negotiation style, crafting persuasive arguments, and navigating challenging situations. You’ll also learn to master both collaborative and competitive techniques, read nonverbal cues, and build strong relationships to achieve win-win agreements.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the negotiation process.
  • Sharpen your communication skills to effectively influence others.
  • Gain confidence in handling complex negotiation scenarios.
  • Learn to identify and leverage your BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement).
  • Develop strategies for building trust and fostering collaboration.
Who Should Attend?
  • Sales & Marketing Professionals: Close more deals and secure better terms for your company.
  • Managers & Team Leaders: Navigate conflict resolution, manage teams effectively, and negotiate win-win contracts.
  • Entrepreneurs & Business Owners: Secure funding, negotiate partnerships, and achieve favorable

Managing Materials through Efficient Warehousing in the Manufacturing Sector By Prof. Arijit Mitra

Managing Materials through Efficient Warehousing in the Manufacturing Sector
Prof. Arijit Mitra 
Area / Discipline: Operations
Start Date: 28/04/2025   Duration: 3 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

This program is designed for the materials managers, inventory managers and supply chain professionals who are working with various manufacturing organizations and want to enhance their ability to manage the materials via efficient warehousing so that they can contribute to the overall supply chain in a more efficient and effective manner. The program will cover the strategic aspect of materials management and warehousing at first hand. Participant will also learn the practical aspects of inventory analysis and management and proper tools for inventory analysis, the methods and techniques for handling materials in the warehouses in a more value added manner and the metrics for measuring the performance of the materials management functions and warehouses.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Understanding of the strategic aspect of the materials management and warehousing and how to connect the results with the corporate mission and vision
  • Learning about contemporary methods and techniques to manage their materials and warehouses in an efficient and effective manner.
  • Learning about different tools for proper inventory analysis and management
  • Understanding of various metrics for measuring the performance of materials management functions and warehouses
Who Should Attend?

Mid-level materials supply chain executives and managers, materials management professionals and inventory managers who are playing major functional roles in various manufacturing sectors.

Managing Port Operations & Port Performance Evaluation By Prof. Arijit Mitra 

Managing Port Operations & Port Performance Evaluation
Prof. Arijit Mitra 
Area / Discipline: Operations
Start Date: 08/05/2025 
  Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

This program is primarily designed for the operations professionals who are engaged in handling the port operations and/or the international shipment via ports for their company (either receiving or dispatching) and want to learn about the technical aspects of port operations. It also focuses on the functional professionals working at various ports who want to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of their port operations and improve it further. Participant will learn about the packaging and containerization aspects, about the tools and techniques for smooth port operations and about various metrics for evaluating the port performance through case studies and examples. The commercial and legal terminologies relevant to the port operations will also be highlighted with their importance in forming the performance rubrics for port operations as well as for dispatchers, receivers and carriers. The program will also cover the aspects of managing international cargo shipments via ports with the total least cost concept with the help of a practical case.


Program Learning Outcomes:
  • Understanding the basics of packaging and containerization and recognizing of practical issues with these functions
  • Learning about the tools and techniques which may be used for efficient and effective port operations
  • Understanding various dimensions for port performance evaluation
  • Understanding and recognizing the relevance of various commercial and legal terms for developing accurate rubrics for different parties related to the port operations namely, for port as well as for dispatchers, receivers and carriers.
  • Learning about managing international cargo shipments via porta with the total least cost concept.
Who Should Attend?

a) Mid-level company professionals who are handling the functional part for the international shipments for their companies, primarily receiving and/or delivery of the goods via ports.

b) Functional professionals working at various ports who want to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of their port operations improve it further.

Advances in Marketing Strategy By Prof. Prof. Rajesh Panda and Prof. Bala Murugan

Advances in Marketing Strategy
Prof. Rajesh Panda and Prof. Bala Murugan
Area / Discipline: Marketing and Sales
Start Date: 09/05/2024 
Duration: 2 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

Marketing as a key function in an organization has changed over the years. Gathering customer information and using it for relevant decision making has become critical. At the same time connecting with customers has remained a challenge through traditional media.

This course aims at equipping management professionals with relevant skills to connect with customers digitally and understand the relevance of technology driven marketing strategy. The course intends to equip the participants with technology enabled data-driven, customer-centered decision making practices. This programme is designed to train leaders and managers to think and act in a digital way that drives deep, lasting competitive advantages for organizations.

The pedagogy plans to impart experiential learning through cased based method and hands on practices.

Participants need at least two years of work experience and a Bachelor’s degree. Prior experience or knowledge of marketing is recommended, but not mandatory.


Program Learning Outcomes:

Learn the integrated approach of marketing, technology and data analysis for deriving business insights and devising successful marketing strategy.

Develop and implement customer centric business strategies that drive profits for the organization.

Discover innovative ways to approach marketing and business problems through the use of data and technology.

Be recognized as a marketing leader based on skills, knowledge and advanced certification.


Who Should Attend?

Marketing, Sales and Business Strategy Professionals, Consultants and founders/entrepreneurs

Using Design Thinking in Healthcare By Prof. Ajit Kumar

Using Design Thinking in Healthcare
Prof. Ajit Kumar
Area / Discipline: Innovation, Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship
Start Date: 20/05/2024 
Duration: 6 Days  
Format: On Campus
Program Description:

Healthcare systems around the globe are full of challenges. Design Thinking is a ‘process’ involving qualitative/quantitative tools and techniques to suggest an innovative solution to challenges, also considering triple constraint – desirability, feasibility, and viability. This human-centered problem-solving process can be applied to various healthcare challenges, such as improving patient experiences and designing new healthcare services.


Program Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, a healthcare professional will be able to

(1)        Understand design thinking concepts and their importance

(2)        Generate innovative ideas by applying design thinking that can improve healthcare outcomes and patient experiences


Who Should Attend?

Healthcare Professionals