XIM University

XIM University


XIM Digital University

Creating the first digital university of India has been a rich experience for all involved. It is an instrument for providing 21st-century IT-enabled learning, research, teaching, writing and communicating the experience of a learning community, the XIM University.


Inauguration of the XIM Digital University formerly know as Xavier Digital University was held on Thursday, October 16, 2014 at the new campus.

Shri Pradeep Maharathy, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries & Animal Resources and Dr. Arun Kumar Sahoo, Hon’ble Minister of Panchayati Raj & Law, Govt. of Odisha were present during the inaugural function of the XIM Digital University.

XIM Digital University has been formed to cater new innovation and invention. New Data Center was created with high performing blade Server. Four new Labs were set up with 300 PCs.

The leased line raw bandwidth capacity was upgraded to 200 MBPS at Old Campus in order to cater to the growing needs of faculty and students. New Campus was connected with 100MBPS leased line with fiber optic. Web server and Wi-Fi access points were installed at student hostels.

XIM University IT Infrastructure:

Moving forward on the XIM University’s vision of a Digital University, the educational infrastructure during the year was further strengthened with IT resources and supporting technology. The Computer Resource Centers(CRC) at XIM University provided the backbone support to the University’s academic activities, embraced technology to an extent very few of its peers have done.

The highlights of the computing facilities are the following:

The current computing facilities of the University includes the following: