About XIM University
XIM University sees itself as a global university delivering quality education to deserving meritorious students. The XIM University affirms its mission of excellent quality higher education.

Xavier Institute of Management (XIM)
A school of XIM University
Xavier Institute of Management (XIM)
XIM owes its origin to a “social contract” between the Government of Odisha and the Odisha Jesuit Society in 1987.
School of Human Resource Management
A school of XIM University
School of Human Resource Management
The School owes its origin to XIM’s HR specialization program. It continues the legacy of shaping HR professionals.
School of Rural Management
A school of XIM University
School of Rural Management
The School focuses on nurturing reflective professionals and enlightened knowledge leaders who would enable the management.
School of Human Settlements
A school of XIM University
School of Human Settlements
The School develops and transfers knowledge about building sustainable, liveable and inclusive cities and communities.
School of Sustainability
A school of XIM University
School of Sustainability
The School of Sustainability is established in XIM University to fulfil it’s social and environmental mission of bringing about transformation in our society.
School of Communications
A school of XIM University
School of Communications
It was set up in 2015 with the mission to empower the aspiring youths who joins school of communications to be sensitive, innovative.
School of Commerce
A school of XIM University
School of Commerce
The School is one of the constituents of XIM University was founded in 2014 to cater to the ever-increasing demand for commerce.
School of Economics
A school of XIM University
School of Economics
The School aims to provide students with broad-based knowledge, advanced technical, communication and entrepreneurship skills.
School of Computer Science & Engineering
A school of XIM University
School of Computer Science & Engineering
It is a unique school that leverages the high-quality programs of XIM University and emphasizes sound computer science…
Xavier Law School
A school of XIM University
Xavier Law School
It is located in the pristine green of sub-urban Bhubaneswar, is an initiative to educate, train and develop preciously talented young persons.
School of Governance and Public Affairs
A school of XIM University
School of Governance and Public Affairs
The School aims to build leadership potential of the state and help create a huge network of capacity-built future.
School of Liberal Arts
A school of XIM University
School of Liberal Arts
SLA offers a range of interdisciplinary and intellectually stimulating programmes through cutting-edge academic programmes.
XIM University
Undergraduate Programs
Explore our undergraduate degrees programs in the fields of Commerce, Business Management, Economics, Mass Communication, Law, Computer Science, Sustainability Management and More…
XIM University
XIM University offers postgraduate programs in fields of study as Business Management, Human Resource Management, Rural Management, Sustainability Management, Urban Management and Governance...
XIM University
Doctoral Programs
XIM University views research as an activity where our core institutional values are expressed clearly. At XIM University we recognize the need to participate in the global academic environment through high-quality publications.
Campus life
IT Facilities
Residential facilities
Safety & Security
Impacting theory, practice and teaching through the creation of intellectual wealth by nurturing multi-disiciplinary thinking and leading next practice research.
At XIM University, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and possibility is an integral aspiration and working element of the University since its inception. XIM University provides a vigorous and visible research environment to its students with a goal to establish a sound research culture and a habit of intellectual leadership for the nation.

Whats New
GSK ECube Case Competition 2024
Congratulations to Ms. Pallavi Rath, Mr. Syed Aniruddha Kabir, and Mr. Nilotpal Nayan of MBA-BM 2023-25 batch for emerging as
Three Flagship Program of XIM University Achieves 100% Placement
Three flagship programs (MBA-BM, MBA-HRM, MBA-RM) of XIM University, Bhubaneswar achieves 100% placements in record time for the batch of
SAQS Accreditation by AMDISA
SAQS Accreditation for MBA-BM, EMBA-BM, MBA-HRM, MBA-RM, EPGDM-VIL and Ph.D programs as part of Faculty of Management, XIM University, Bhubaneswar
MBA-HRM Program Achieves 100% Placement
MBA-HRM Program, XIM University achieves 100% placements in record time for the batch of 2022-2024 Click to View Placement Report

Prof. Chinmayee Nanda, School of Liberal Arts is granted a patent by the Indian Patent Office for conceptualizing the "Inmate Justice Monitoring Device" at Jharpada Jail in Odisha.
Prof. Chinmayee Nanda
XIM University
Prof. Pritha Sarkar has authored a research article titled “Violence and its Backlashes in the Naxalbari Movement (1965-1975): A Closer Study of History through Inquilaab: A Play in Three Acts”, published in Cultural Logic: A Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice on 26 December 2024.
( https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/clogic/article/view/200245)
Prof. Pritha Sarkar
XIM University
Prof. Pritha Sarkar has also authored an article titled “The Hue of Rape and Women’s Safety: The Middle-Class’s Take on White-Collared Attack”, published in GroundXero 5 November 2024.
( https://www.groundxero.in/2024/11/05/the-hue-of-rape-and-womens-safety-the-middle-classs-take-on-white-collared-attack/)
Prof. Pritha Sarkar
XIM University
Co-authored an research papers titled "From Analogue to Algorithm: The Metamorphosis of Music Production Techniques—An Integrated Literature Review!" was published recently in the Journal of Creative Communications, SAGE Publications (Scopus indexed).
( https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/09732586241281205)
Prof. V Vijay Kumar
XIM University
Co-authored an article entitled "Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Moderated Mediation Model was published recently in the Social Responsibility Journal, Emerald Publishers, UK (Scopus, ABDC - B indexed)
( https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/SRJ-03-2024-0138/full/html)
Prof. V Vijay Kumar
XIM University
Co-authored an article entitled "Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Moderated Mediation Model was published recently in the Social Responsibility Journal, Emerald Publishers, UK (Scopus, ABDC - B indexed)
( https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/SRJ-03-2024-0138/full/html)
Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena
XIM University
Co-authored an article entitled "Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Moderated Mediation Model was published recently in the Social Responsibility Journal, Emerald Publishers, UK (Scopus, ABDC - B indexed)
( https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/SRJ-03-2024-0138/full/html)
Prof. R.G. Priyadarshini
XIM University
Co-authored an article entitled "The Medium is the Message: Audio-Visual Communication Over Textual Communication - A Matter of ‘Effectiveness’ in Communicating Conservation” was published in the Global Media Journal - Indian Edition ", published in Global Media Journal, Indian Edition, in Dec 2023 (Listed in UGC Care)
( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qhRzR8ayWBfjPsBM_MhSsFc7yzdTFE34/view)
Prof. V Vijay Kumar
XIM University
Authored an article entitled "Influential Impact of Parent-Child Interaction on Adolescent Depression Level", published in Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, in Sep 2023 (Scopus Indexed)
( https://jrtdd.com/index.php/journal/article/view/2292 )
Prof. P V Padma
XIM University
Co-authored an article entitled "Influential Impact of Parent-Child Interaction on Adolescent Depression Level", published in Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, in Sep 2023 (Scopus Indexed)
Prof. Lourdes Vijayan R
XIM University
Authored a review article entitled "John Lwanda. Making Music in Malawi. Lilongwe: Logos Open Culture, 2021. viii+451pp. Notes. Index. £25/MWK 20,000. Paper. ISBN 978-99960-979-2-8." published in the African Studies Review (Q1), Cambridge University Press, dated January 11, 2024. (Scopus and WoS indexed) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/asr.2023.121
Prof. Lourdes Vijayan R
XIM University
Authored a book titled "Whispers of Deception"
Prof. Lourdes Vijayan R
XIM University
Authored a book titled “Eternal Soul of A Sea Warrior”, published by Notion Press Publishers on April 18, 2023
Prof. Lourdes Vijayan R
XIM University
Co-authored a research article entitled "Making” the contemporary and next-generation journalist, through data journalism: The need for emerging curriculum in journalism education in India - A primary proposal
Plaridel (ISSN 1656-2534) – An International media and communication journal (Scopus indexed).
Prof. V. Vijay Kumar
XIM University
Co-authored a research article entitled "Consumer multihoming predisposition on food platforms: Does gender matter?" published in the Journal of Retail and Consumer Services, (Elsevier Publication), Vol. 67, July 2022
Prof. Niraj Kumar
XIM University
Coauthored a research article entitled " Mainstreaming blended finance in climate-smart agriculture: Complementarity, modality, and proximity" published in the Journal of Rural Studies (2022), an Elsevier Publication. Vol. 92; May 2022
Prof. Pradeep Mishra
XIM University
Coedited a book "Environment, Climate, and Social Justice: Perspectives and Practices from the Global South" with Springer Nature (Singapore)
Prof. Devendraraj Madhanagopal
XIM University
Getting even: A study of abusive supervision, workplace deviance and intention to quit in Indian entrepreneurial organization. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 8(3), 332-347, Emerald Publishers, US. ISSN:2398-628X
Prof. Lalatendu Kesari Jena
XIM University
Relationships between green supply chain drivers, Triple Bottom Line sustainability and operational performance: An empirical investigation in the UK manufacturing supply chain. Operations and Supply Chain management, Vol. 12, No.4, pp.198-211, ISSN:1979-3561, OSCM forum, Indonesia
Prof. Subhra Pattnaik
XIM University
Sustainable Business through Cost Management and Control. The Management Accountant, Volume 54, Issue-9, Page:39-43, ISSN: 0972-3528
Prof. Abhimanyu Sahoo
XIM University
Relevance of Max Weber’s Rational Bureaucratic Organizations in Modern Society. Management Revue - Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 31 (1), Page 1-11e
Prof. Mousumi Padhi
XIM University
Mathematical modeling for short term indoor room temperature forecasting using Box-Jenkins models: an Indian evidence. Emerald UK
Prof. Bhaskar Basu
XIM University
Workplace Spirituality and Workforce Agility: A Psychological Exploration Among Teaching Professionals. Journal of Religion and Health, Springer ,Europe
Prof. Kalpana Sahoo
XIM University
Assessing the (Eco) Macroeconomic Performance Index of India: A DEA Approach. Journal of Public Affairs, Wiley-Blackwell, USA